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What is Laterality Training?

Lisa Allen & Dolly Laterality Training

Why laterality training for horses?

What do horses feel like before they start laterality training?

  • Curved straight lines.

  • Delayed response to your aids/signals

  • Rider direction bias "...because my horse finds it easier on this rein..."

  • "I have two different horses, depending on rein I'm on..."

Yet we all know having an ambidextrous horse AND rider is the 'holy grail' of equitation.

Equicoach has an exciting new clinic, teaming up with the brilliant EquiPilates Biomechanics Trainer and event rider Lisa Allen, based in Lisburn, Northern Ireland.

Lisa helps horses by coaching rider biomechanics. Some of her clients include; Horse Sport Ireland, The Irish Army, studs, colleges, competitors and horse lovers throughout Ireland. From rider pilates to posture clinics, riders are given postural tools to sit and be the best we can, for our horses.

So when Lisa invited me to deliver my Horse Training for Horse Lovers day last month, followed by a Clinc, I galloped onto the plane.

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) coaches, dressage, show jumping and event riders congregated for two days (20th and 21st October) of equitation science, delving deeper into horse psychology & biomechanics, learning what motor laterality is in horses and how to go about changing their horses sidedness.

It was so lovely to meet so many horse lovers thirsty for evidence-based knowledge to be their best for their horses, Im returning next month.

Come and join us, for the latest in Equitation Science and probably the best cake I have ever eaten!!

Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd December

Contact Lisa Allen directly by emailing for your opportunity to learn all about laterality training; spectator and lesson spaces available.


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