Getting It Right For Horses. Not being Right. Social Licensing in 21st Century
*** For the Horses & People magazine articles in full please scroll down for each PDF ***
Pro-active Over Re-active. Welfare over Care. Today if you are passionate about horses, welfare AND horse sports, we need to explore how we are championing the horse. Collectively we are accountable for what we do to horses. A social license to operate is about earning our privilege to manage, train and compete horses. If you are like me, passionate about horse sports and dedicated to horse welfare, earning public approval is about showing up to get it right for horses, not to be right, defensive or re-active.
Everything changed in 2020.
Individually and collectively are we doing right by horses?
Here you can learn the latest in public acceptance of horses in sport with a Social Licence to Operate series in international (digital and hardcopy) Horses & People magazine. Explore how we become pro-active, placing our spotlights on the pillars of Social Licence to Operate (SLO).
From the inside of our horse sports, to the outside, what we do now determines the future of equestrian sports.

Lisa takes you on a deeper journey into the four pillars of social licensing throughout 2020-2021 and would love to hear yours thoughts, questions and any ideas around getting it right for horses, walking the talk so collectively we earn the public's approval to use horses in sport.
Read Lisa's Social Licensing to Operate horse sports articles below
Total of 6 article diving into:
